
New in Fabman: multi-language member portal

As of today, the Fabman member portal is available in multiple languages! Well, two languages, for now. But there’ll be more!

The member portal in German Continue reading


The Story of Fabman

Today, I’d like to tell you the frightening story that inspired us to invent Fabman. Think of it as a cautionary tale, a warning to anyone who’s going down the same path. Please, don’t repeat our mistakes!

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New in Fabman: Booking info on bridge displays (and more)

The holiday season is in full swing and it’s time for us to deliver a few presents before the year comes to an end.

Over the next few days we’ll roll out a firmware update to all Bridges. Here’s what this update will bring – plus a few other improvements we made in the past month.

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Starting your own makerspace

So, you’ve decided you want to open a makerspace? Great! Thirteen years ago, Karim and I started our first makerspace, which has now grown to more than 2000 members and branched into two other cities!

Me, giving an introductory course at our lab in Vienna

Over the years, we made a lot of mistakes – but also learned a few things. In this article I’ll try to share what we know to help you kickstart your makerspace, fab lab or hackerspace.

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New in Fabman: Member filters, group memberships, one machine per member

Here’s what we’ve added to Fabman since the last announcement:

New filters for the member list

We’ve added a few additional options to filter your member list. You can now filter by permissions (admin, owner, or normal member) and whether they have any active packages:

Member billing page

Paying for other members

There’s also a new option when adding or editing members: Who’s paying for that member? With this you can set up family packages or company accounts, where one member pays for others.

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